A Spiritual Inventory

what is a spiritual malady

It’s really not my mind — the mental obsession — that is the underlying root of what will take me back to drinking. It’s the “spiritual malady”, as manifested by my EGO (selfishness-self-centeredness), that what is a spiritual malady can eventually lead me back to drinking or sometimes even suicide. But we saw that it really worked in others, and we had  come to believe in the hopelessness and futility of life as we had been living it.

The spiritual malady and addiction

If you’re struggling to find a Higher Power in AA, know that you’re not alone. There are many people who have been in your shoes and have found creative ways to work around this issue. Remember to keep an open mind and heart, and eventually, you will find something (or someone) who can serve as your own personal higher power. Especially being alcoholic more often than not, it is our nature to have that “my way or the highway” mentality.

what is a spiritual malady

Final Thoughts on Living the Spiritual Life and Recovery

  • You get to a point where you just have to accept yourself, warts and all, exactly as you are, and not be continually looking for the “someone better”.
  • It can be a persistent, ongoing condition that can have a profound impact on all aspects of your life.
  • This is frequently referred to as “fight and flight” physiology.
  • Many people are initially turned off to the idea of the program because they believe it preaches religion and God, and many addicts and alcoholics have no desire to pursue a religious answer.

This inner conflict can be caused by many different things, such as childhood trauma, unresolved grief, or trauma related to addiction. It is essential to connect with nature and engage in activities that provide a sense of purpose, such as volunteering, that can foster a sense of belonging and fulfillment. These methods can help individuals maintain their spiritual well-being and offer a pathway towards inner peace and harmony. There are also many great detox facilities in Glenwood Springs that can help people get the physical component of addiction out of their system and under control. This also includes creating addiction relapse prevention plans so that the first drink is never taken, and thus, the physical allergy is never triggered.

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what is a spiritual malady

It’s also important to remember that your understanding of a Higher Power can change and evolve over time. As you grow in your sobriety and learn more about yourself, you may find that your concept of a Higher Power changes as well. The most important thing is that you keep an open mind and heart as you continue on your sobriety journey.

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